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Healing Group


Join group healing sessions. When you join this group, You will be included in the group healing whether you can attend or not. Though it will be beneficial to attend. Attend any or all sessions offered each month. Group healing sessions will focus on getting to the root of your issues. All sessions will be held over Zoom. Sessions will not be recorded.


Sessions will include:

  • Esoteric Healing: Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balancing of your energy field.

  • Esoteric Healing at the root cause of your issue or disease. We will travel to the root cause which may be childhood, teenage years, midlife, or even a past life.

  • Relationship healing with Soul to Soul chats.

  • Dissipating limiting thoughts and emotions.

  • Balancing of areas associated with anxiety with home exercises.

  • Instruction in self-energy balancing exercises

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